Magazine Programmes

The 3sixty:TV team creates its own design for each McDonald's Instore TV magazine issueMcDonald’s Instore TV magazine issue which has a specific layout according to the content of the respective broadcasted topic.

The current topics are: music, cinema, celebrities, autos and lifestyle.

The programmes are a mixture of studio-produced and existing footage edited in an original way.

The content and style of the broadcasts are adjusted and coordinated according to the target audience. The design is youthful, trendy, attractive and diversified.

The length of the magazines varies from one to four minutes approximately.

The 3sixty:TV editorial staff dealing with music and cinema receives up-to-date footage from record labels such as EMI, Sony BMG, Capitol and Virgin and film distributors like Universal Pictures, Kinowelt, Walt Disney and Constantin Film.

inside music
... presents the latest music news from the international world of rock and pop.
Famous bands, popular singers, as well as newcomers find their place in "inside music". The viewer is informed of the artists and their tour dates, releases and history using original comments and text displays. Interviews, making-of scenes and new and popular video clips are put together in dynamic sections in an informative and attractive manner.
We produce a new magazine every two weeks. The "inside music" magazine is about four minutes long.

inside cinema
...presents selected, new movies and reports about film plot, popular actors and great film directors and producers. Making-of scenes, interviews, movie clips and informative text displays give the viewer behind-the-camera information and present the latest news about movie stars’ life.
The 3sixty:TV cinema editorial staff produces this magazine every two weeks. The “inside cinema” magazine is about four minutes long.

people the Celebrity & Boulevard magazine covering news about stars and starlets. Nothing from the celebs’ world remains a secret for „People“.
The two-minute magazine is updated twice a week.

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